Saturday, 23 February 2013

Friend for life

She's been in the world nearly 17 months and hasn't wasted a minute.  Each week I go to meet the new Lizzy.  Each week she is slightly different; taller, older and ever more curious, her world expanding to include her soft toys, in particular a pink piglet named Pete. Now she is climbing with confidence - up the stairs, into the high chair, onto the furniture, out of the cot.  Buckles, zips, lids and locks are all a game. Smartphones are quite literally, child's play.  Put the kettle on and she heaves the huge and heavy milk bottle from the fridge.  Mention outdoors and she gets her shoes and finds the door keys. The words are beginning to flow. And last night when I took my coat from the peg and picked up my bag to leave, she came and asked to be picked "upsie".  Then she kissed me and said in her sing song voice "Bye".  That's it. Our friendship sealed for life.  Granny joy.