Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Wincobank to Dingle and back

Mum's camellia, my Holystone apple tree grown from a pip and various other bedraggled
potted plants have moved to Liverpool and so has half of me. And most of my possessions.  The little house is now full.

It is full of joy as my family come to call, and some drama as I lock myself out at night without keys, phone, money or coat while Steve sleeps soundly upstairs.
Back in Sheffield we are installed in a fully refurbished Connie's house and the garden is springing into life.

I'm not sure how this Wincobank to Dingle week will work or how we will ever unpack all the boxes and fit all the shelves to be filled by the beautiful books and odd ornaments that escape the charity shop bag, but a new chapter begins.

Reader, we bought it.

Signing the contract 25 January 2018
To cut a long story short - with the help of donations from many hundreds of well-wishers and several charities including the Heritage Lottery Fund, we formed an incorporated company and bought the graveyard to stop it being sold to a car salesman who was going to incorporate it into the car sales pitch on the site of the old church.  The full story has been documented on Facebook: Friends of Zion Graveyard, and on our website www.ziongraveyard.btck.co.uk.
Buying a graveyard wasn't in my plan for the year, but it has certainly been an adventure which continues as we navigate legal issues around access, charitable status and the neighbouring car sales planning application.  This photo was taken by Joseph Desforges, Media & Marketing Manager of Voluntary Action Sheffield who has lived up to his job title by designing us a beautiful logo and is working on a commemorative plaque.