Wednesday 2 December 2015

Catching Up

Yesterday - and this is Harriet, my next door neighbour from 1981 - 1980s, born and raised in Honolulu and returned after 30 years teaching in Yorkshire,  missing the changing seasons and the daffodils, but not I suspect, the biting cold or damp chill of a British winter. She still has the same wonderful smile, thoughtful nature and boundless energy.

Having collected me from the airport and taken me for a 10pm supper,  she was back 12 hours later to collect me for a lunch appointment with her amazing friends, all of them around the 80 mark. They had first met in 1958 at university, singing together and touring Japan as a choir, then lost touch until the 50th anniversary of the tour brought them together . Since then they have met for lunch each year.

Myrna still sings in a jazz choir, Estelle plays tennis three times a week. Barbara brought a handmade fresh flower lei for an overseas friend and had made for me a non - perishable,  flaming orange garland, plaited from whispy wool.

Jan took us afterwards to Kailau, the most perfect beach I have yet seen, where I paddled in the clear water which turned white as the waves stirred up the shining sand around my feet.

These are inspiring women, each with stories of a life packed full and with plenty still to come. What a gift to take away and remember with my garland.

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