Wednesday 3 August 2011

Sunday lunch

In the rustic Rectory Restaurant on Wards Island, we lunched. Seizing an opportunity which may never come my way again I ordered a bison burger which was delightfully juicy. Neither this, nor the very tasty beef burger I ate for supper this evening, resemble any burger I have ever eaten. My failure as a vegetarian is complete.

This delightful eatery is where Beth's son Sam had worked for several summers and it felt like we were given extra special treatment. It was a shame then that I completely miscalculated the bill and underpaid by ten dollars, a fact brought to our attention by the flustered waiter who returned to seek us out as we were leaving. I really can't take me anywhere.


  1. That doesn't sound like you at all Penny :-)

  2. Ha ha ha. At least it was the right currency... mind you be careful not to get your US and Canadian dollars confused :-)
